Sapphire's Book of Shadows
Hi! I'm Sapphire and I'm a generational witch.
I've been practicing witchcraft for 3 years, but I was born into a witchy household, so I've been surrounded by this stuff my whole life. I've been certified in Reiki for 15 years, and I work with 3 deities.
I'm a generational witch, with ties to Celtic, African and Nordic ancestry.
I do candle magick, tarot, crystal magick, and elemental magick. I'm trying to learn more about other types of magick, such as dragon magick, and also trying to learn more about Voodoo/Hoodoo.
Here's the link to my website, which is basically just my online spellbook!
Here are my links!There will be more added soon, as I create more pages!
Photos of Me!